Faith Under Fire Participant's Guide

by Anchor
SKU: 131508
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Four-session DVD small group curriculum based on Lee Strobel\'s popular PAX-TV program. Using video clips from the popular PAX-TV program Faith Under Fire, this cutting-edge curriculum features spirited discussions between well-respected Christians, people of other faiths, or people with no faith at all on important spiritual and social issues. Host Lee Strobel, bestselling author of The Case for Christ and The Case for Faith, provides additional comments to guide small group discussion. Guests include: Rick Warren, Joni Eareckson Tada, Randy Alcorn, William Lane Craig, J. P. Moreland, Hugh Hewitt, David Limbaugh, Tony Campolo, Richard Land, and more. Faith Under Fire 1: Faith andamp; Jesus Four sessions on Jesus, the resurrection, universalism, and the supernatural Faith Under Fire 2: Faith andamp; Facts Four sessions on the Bible, heaven, hell, and science Faith Under Fire 3: Tough Faith Questions Four sessions on forgiveness, pain and suffering, the Trinity, and Islam Faith Under Fire 4: A New Kind of Faith Four sessions on the relevance of Christianity