Audio CD-Cedarmont Kids/Toddler Bible Songs

by Anchor
SKU: 100384
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*24 classic Christian songs for kids
*lyrics included
*songs repeat in section 2 in split-track format for sing-a-long
*30 minutes per section

1. Ho- Ho- Ho- Hosanna
2. Books Of The Old Testament
3. Books Of The New Testament
4. Medley
5. Lord I Want To Be A Christian
6. I Am The Door
7. I\'m Gonna Sing- Sing- Sing
8. God Sees The Little Sparrow Fall
9. Be Still And Know
10. Chatter With The Angels
11. I Shall Not Be Moved
12. Ain\'t-a That Good News!
13. All Things Bright And Beautiful
14. Bless The Lord O My Soul
15. We Are Going To See The King
16. I\'m Gonna Live So God Can Use Me
17. I\'ll Be Somewhere Listening
18. One- Two- Three- Four
19. Baby Moses
20. Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus