Water Wind Fire: The Next Steps

by Anchor
SKU: 122901
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The adventure of getting to know and love your heavenly Father is the most exciting and awesome experience you could ever have. It\'s important to ground yourself in God\'s ways and His Word for you to live a successful and joyful Christian life. The enemy of you soul will always try to distract and discourage you from seeking God, because your spiritual future is his demise. But as you build a strong foundation of faith in who you are in Christ Jesus and what your heavenly calling is, you will walk in the confidence of God and be able to overcome life\'s challenges.

This life-changing book gives you eight steps to start you on the path to a great future in Christ including: how to develop a close relationship with God, the significance of water baptism, how to find a good church, how to study the Bible, the importance of prayer, and more!

Start strong in your new life in God and reap the rewards in this life and the life to come that go beyond your wildest dreams.