The Missionary Call

by Anchor
SKU: 038356
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The highest and best use of anyone\'s life is to do exactly what God leads them to do in the places where He leads them to do it.\\\ Christians of all ages recognize the heartbeat of God to take the gospel to the nations--yet they often wrestle with the implications of the Great Commission in their own lives. \The Missionary Call\ explores the biblical, historical, and practical aspects of discerning and following God\'s call to nations. Dr. Sills addresses common misconceptions about the missionary call while also answering key practical questions on the minds of those discerning a call to missions: Do all Christians have the missionary call? Is the missionary call a lifelong call? How does being single accept the missionary call? What should you do if your spouse does not share your sense of call? If you have the missionary call, how do you know where to serve? Whether you know you are called or are still struggling to know God\'s will, \The Missionary Call\ will help you discern your place in God\'s plan for the world. \