Start With The Heart (Mar 2019)

by Anchor
SKU: 163516
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Parenting strategies you can be proud ofYou know the feeling. You got frustrated, desperate, or overwhelmed and you reacted before you could think it through. Whether it’s bribery, yelling, counting to three, or threats of punishment you didn’t mean to make, reacting never feels good. But if you can learn to act with intentionality, you’ll feel proud of your parenting and be amazed at the results. Dr. Kathy Koch will teach you proven strategies for training your child’s heart and parenting in a way that honors God. She’ll help you move your child from, “I can’t, I won’t,\ to “I can, I will, and I did.” And once you’ve put these motivation strategies in place there’s no more need to nag, you’ll be astounded by what your kids will do without being asked. After a little hard work up front, you’ll enjoy your kids, your life, and yourself much more.