Spiritual Mentor (Romans 12 Disciple)

by Anchor
SKU: 118003
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There is nothing more fundamental to the Christian faith and to building godly men than discipleship. In today?s vernacular, discipleship would best be described as ?Spiritual Mentoring.? Why are discipleship and mentoring so important? How does discipleship connect to the struggles?men face today?Discipleship is a relational process that requires people to become actively involved in their faith. Devoted and active men can change the direction of our culture.?Most importantly, God has commanded men to be the leaders in the home, church, and community.Authentic discipleship is about developing a caring concern and a genuine love for others through modeling Christ-like attitudes and behavior in the context of relational environments. A fresh approach is needed to define, implement, and equip men with a passion to make disciples. It starts with relationship. Because it all starts with the individual, we must see one-on-one discipleship as the primary objective to begin the revolution. The Spiritual Mentor will explain?how men can rescue their faith and how spiritual mentors must play a critical role in bringing the church back to its original purpose. Features include:Metaphors, anecdotes, and practical applicationsPractical tools for becoming a spiritual mentorDiscussion questions