Seated With Christ

by Anchor
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As Christians find themselves trapped in the rhetoric of platform, influence, retweets, and fame, they need a ladder out of the fray.Many of us live in a prison of self-absorption, comparing ourselves to others constantly in our frantic, unending pursuit of perfection.Seated with Christ gets to the root of this behavior and charts a path to freedom.In elegant, vulnerable prose, English professor Heather Holleman unveils what it means to be seated with Christ in the heavens (Eph. 2:6).It means we walk out on the fight for acceptance. We quit measuring ourselves to others.We leap free from cycles of shame.Securely-seated people experience the freedom of self-forgetfulness, joyfully do the good works prepared for them uniquely, and even celebrate the successes of others.If you are tired of comparing and competing, read Seated with Christ, a deeply personal and liberating look at how life should be.