Princess And The Goblin

by Anchor
SKU: 770595
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From the man who influenced the minds of C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, and Madeleine L\'Engle, comes a classic story about courage and overcoming evil. The story follows young Princess Irene and her friend Curdie as they work to fight wicked goblins who intend to overthrow the kingdom. Intended for children, George MacDonald\'s writing is captivating for all ages and the messages he conveys are incredibly deep and thought provoking.

\I for one can really testify to a book that has made a difference to my whole existence….Of all the stories I ever read…it remains the most real, the most realistic, in the exact sense of the phrase the most like life. It is called The Princess and the Goblin, and is by George MacDonald.\
G. K. Chesterton

\I have never concealed the fact that I regarded [MacDonald] as my master; indeed I fancy I have never written a book in which I did not quote from him.\
C. S. Lewis

\It is a striking indication of the trend and shallowness of the modern reading public that George MacDonald\'s books have been so neglected.\
Oswald Chambers