More Stories/Grandma's Attic (Grandma's Attic 2)

by Anchor
SKU: 453804
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Stories to Love, Laugh, and Live By

If you are young enough to love a story—and just about everyone is—here are more stories from Grandma\'s attic. Magical pieces of a day gone by . . . told by that natural storyteller of all loving families—Grandma, the one who never forgets the fun and laughter of a simpler, perhaps richer time.

Stories of an old rag doll that seems to come alive . . . of a newborn goat dancing stiff-legged in the old farm kitchen . . . and of a faith that gives life meaning.

Here are those marvelous tales—faithfully recalled for the delight of young and old alike, a touchstone to another day when life was simpler, perhaps richer; when the treasures of family life and love were passed from generation to generation by a child\'s questions . . . and the legends that followed enlarged our faith.