Mile Wide-Hardcover

by Anchor
SKU: 067308
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As cohost of HGTV’s My Big Family Renovation, Brandon Hatmaker understands what it takes to rehab a home. But as a pastor (and husband of bestselling author Jen Hatmaker), he’s more interested in rehabbing faith. And in A Mile Wide, he helps readers transform an anemic spiritual life based on a limited understanding of God into a faith of true depth, intimacy, and power. Offering fresh perspective on eight essentials of Christianity—the gospel, identity, scripture, discipleship, kingdom, mission, community, and justice—Hatmaker provides practical applications that tap into the richer life Christ promised his people, individually and as a community. God wants more than simply to save us: he’s also determined to transform us, restore us, and use us to reveal the coming of his kingdom right here, right now.