Jesus: God Among Us

by Anchor
SKU: 135409
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• Popular author, artist, and speaker/presenter
• Gift book; builds upon the Jesus Movement
• Great way to meditate on the life of Christ

Inspired by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry\'s powerful statement and call to the Episcopal Church to be the \Jesus Movement\ in this world, artist Roger Hutchison created a painting that measures 30\ x 40\ and illustrates the full life of Christ. Beginning at the bottom with the infant child in the manger, the eye is drawn upward to the boy Jesus, the adult Jesus, and Jesus on the cross.

This book reproduces 16 different areas of the painting, with the final image being the full painting. Each section is matched with a page of Scripture from one of the gospels telling a portion of Jesus\'s life (birth, baptism, miracle, teaching, Last Supper, crucifixion, resurrection, etc.), followed by a reflection, the painting piece, and finally a story suggesting where the reader can find Jesus today in a similar encounter between ourselves and another person. Each \chapter\ concludes with a reflection question.

Audience: children, youth, adults, gift book: baptism, Lent, confirmation, newcomers, and more. It can be used in church education or pastoral care settings, Godly Play® rooms, children\'s worship, Episcopal schools, nursing homes, and hospitals.