Heaven And The Afterlife

by Anchor
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Get ready for life after death.Combining three books that together have sold nearly 1 million copies, Heaven and the Afterlife gives you Erwin Lutzer’s best reflections on eternity and what it means for you today:One Minute After You Die. A simple and moving explanation of what the Bible teaches about life after death. How You Can Be Sure You Will Spend Eternity with God summarizes the Bible’s teaching on salvation, answering questions like, “What role do I play in my own salvation? Is there anything that can make me lose my salvation?”Your Eternal Rewards. This book explores the often-overlooked Scriptures about reward and judgment for Christians, answering questions like, “How will believers be judged? If heaven is perfect, why do rewards even matter?”Together these books will help you live faithfully today, readying you for that final hour when you meet your Maker.