Giving & Tithing: Serving & Stewardship

by Anchor
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This book by Larry Burkett lets its readers go through the biblical truths of giving and tithing in easy to understand language. With topics like: Bad and Good reasons for giving, Does God need your money? What is a tithe? Should you tithe from your net or your gross ? How can you know which organization to support? Setting up a benevolence ministry in your church. Larry also covers how to improve giving and the history of welfare.

Larry Burkett lends his financial expertise to two handy quick-reference books for individuals and families, plus a video especially for married couples. Personal Finances gives the basics on creating and maintaining a budget. Giving & Tithing communicates the biblical instructions on giving sacrificially. A blend of dramatic vignettes and practical teaching, Two Masters will help husbands and wives break the bondage of overspending, debt and materialism.