Freedom: The History Of Western Liberties (10th - 12th Grade)

by Anchor
SKU: 196714
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If the Son will set you free, you will be free indeed. Our freedoms are disappearing in the Western world. Big government tyranny is on the rise just about everywhere. Some Christians are going to jail in America for their faith, and others are fined in excess of $100,000 for refusing to violate their consciences in matters like homosexual weddings. Christian leaders are encouraging civil disobedience. True freedom is only possible by the blood of Jesus Christ. It is a substantial freedom that gives birth to other substantial freedoms, and millions are blessed when tyrannies are systematically overthrown. In this seminal book on freedom from a Christian perspective, Kevin Swanson first defines the term and then he traces the struggle for freedom through biblical times and church history. Included here is the exciting story of the development of Western liberties over 2,000 years. You will read of the battle for the Magna Carta, the Scottish War for Independence, the Dutch War for Independence, the battle for religious liberties in the 17th century, and America\'s War for Independence and the Bill of Rights. If you have benefited from freedoms in the Western world, you need to know this heritage and pass it on to your children. How will you engage the struggle for liberty in this generation? Will there be any freedom left for our grandchildren, and where will they find it? Here Kevin Swanson provides a vision of freedom for Christians in the 21st century. Note: This is a Limited Edition in commemoration of the 800th Anniversary of the Magna Carta. Hardcover. 290 Pages.