Fall Of Satan

by Anchor
SKU: 053901
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Reveals The Dark And Deadly Influence of Evil!
How could Satan, who was created good, become evil?

Why would God, who is not evil, allow evil to continue to exist?

Who sinned first - Adam or Satan?

The world attacks Christianity in many areas. Questioning the reality of Satan and claims that evil doesn\'t even exist are but two denials of an ongoing spiritual war which surrounds us daily. The Church, by and large, has few biblical resources on the subject to counter these claims raised in today\'s humanistic culture.

Find the truth in the 35 compelling questions which make this general apologetics book an excellent resource! We shouldn\'t doubt we can find biblical answers to these and other questions of faith. Examine how the fall of Satan, beginning the bad news of sin and suffering in Genesis, affect the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice that has conquered sin, Satan, and evil once for all