Faith Hope And Love (Journal Edition)

by Anchor
SKU: 770767
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\Thus it is that love is not without hope, hope is not without love, and neither hope nor love are without faith.\ --St. Augustine

St. Augustine’s Faith, Hope, and Love is a short, insightful treatise on the proper way to worship God. In thirty-three small chapters that follow 1 Corinthians 13, Augustine\'s description of true worship covers all the major ideas of the Christian religion. Written sometime after AD 420, less than a decade before he died, it contains some of his most mature reflections on Christian doctrines. Those looking to understand the proper way to worship and those interested in a brief encapsulation of Augustine’s teaching should look no further than this classic work. Presented in a special journal edition, Faith, Hope, and Love encourages readers to record their impressions and prayers.