DVD-What Jesus Said About The Bible

by Anchor
SKU: 206532
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Discover for yourself whether you have reason to believe what Jesus said about the things that matter most through this new DVD series from Day of Discovery.

Explore what Jesus said about . . .

Life: Is It Too Good to Be True?
Who He Is: God or Man?
Following Him: What Difference Does It Make?
God: Is There a Higher Power?
Life After Death: Is This All There Is?
The Bible: Is It Just Another Book?
Suffering: Why Do Bad Things Happen?
Resurrection: Can It Happen?

These DVD presentations are perfect for use in small groups or to share with family and friends and will help you weigh the words of Jesus and find answers to your deepest questions. Join us on a journey of discovery to explore the lands of the Bible, and hear from a variety of biblical authorities as they engage in intriguing discussions to examine the claims of Jesus.