
by Anchor
SKU: 502158
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At one time or another, every woman has felt overlooked, unimportant, and bruised by the world. But there’s good news. While the opinion of others may drag us down, the God who created us has an entirely different opinion of who we are. That’s because we are His creations, and everything He created is good!

The DVD contains six video segments of approximately 25 minutes each for use during the group sessions. Sessions include:

The Woman Who Anointed Jesus: When You Are Judged by Others
The Woman with the Issue of Blood: When You Are Tired of Hurting
The Woman at the Well: When Your Life Is Ordinary and Overlooked
The Woman Caught in Adultery: When You Are Accused, Attacked, and Ashamed
The Poor Widow: When You Have Nothing to Give)
The Widow of Zarephath: When God Doesn’t Make Sense

All video sessions are closed captioned.