Come Of Age

by Anchor
SKU: 059454
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Angus Buchan has filled the largest stadiums in South Africa to capacity and spoken to large gatherings in Britain and Australia. But behind the scenes he remains a straight-talking, tough farmer, still working with his sons to run the family farm, still seeking to remain obedient to God\'s voice. Angus\'s bold faith has carried him through droughts, family tragedies, and financial crises. And God has used him mightily. Angus has developed a particular ministry to men, holding many rallies specifically for men and proving capable of communicating with ordinary guys who would never get closer to a church than the freeway. He loves to preach the good news of Jesus. \Doubt and fear may be contagious,\ he says. \But so is faith.\ Now in his sixties, Angus has also had to come to terms with his own mortality after collapsing in the middle of a rally and being airlifted to a hospital. Forced to reappraise his priorities, he now focuses his efforts upon mentoring younger men, encouraging them to develop their own spiritual maturity, to truly come of age.