Church And The Work 3V

by Anchor
SKU: 008586
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Three volumes, (sold as a set only)

Volume 1 - Assembly Life
This first of three volumes is a collection of teachings on practical matters of \ody\ life within the Church believing that the Body of Christ is both spiritual and practical. Various topics include authority, fellowship, ministry, meetings and boundaries of the local assembly.

Volume 2 - Rethinking the Work
A first time edition of Nee\'s original Chinese publication by the same name. Topics include apostles, false apostles, and ministry based on Acts chapters 13 through the end of the book.

Volume 3 - Church Affairs
This volume is an expansion of Rethinking the Work which came ten years later. Not a correction to, but a more detailed teaching given to young workers as to how to conduct themselves when being set out to establish churches everywhere. The teachings are basic but important and come from the first twelve chapters of Acts rather than the latter part of the book as in Volume 1.