Blessing Of The Lord Study Guide

by Anchor
SKU: 115817
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Living in THE BLESSING is God\'s will for you. And in this study guide, a companion to the book, The Blessing of the Lord: Makes Rich and He Adds No Sorrow With It, you are sure to gain a clear understanding of this revelation and experience everything God has for you, today.

A vital resource to help you discover God\'s original plan for your life, this carefully designed workbook features detailed questions and discussion topics taken straight from THE BLESSING book, chapter by chapter. Also included is a space for you to write your own \Blessing Confession,\ upon which you can stand for your miracle.

This rich resource focuses with laser-like precision on the major points of its companion, making it easy to communicate the truths of THE BLESSING in bite-sized pieces. It is ideal for pastors, Bible-study leaders, families or individuals who desire to both learn and share how to experience a maximized life in the kingdom of God. Your blessed life of peace and joy awaits you!