Behind The Scenes Of Breast Cancer

by Anchor
SKU: 500917
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In this inspiring and practical book and DVD, five-year-cancer-free survivor and leading news anchor Brenda Ladun addresses the physical and spiritual concerns of anyone who is facing or has gone through cancer treatments, especially breast cancer treatments. Using her professional reporting talents and drawing from her own personal experiences, she interviews a physical therapist, fitness specialist, massage therapist, personal trainer, registered dietician, swim instructor, and plastic surgeon who daily help women survive breast cancer. An investigative reporting–style DVD, included with the book, reveals the misperceptions patients often have and provides helpful advice on surviving and learning to thrive again. Included are interviews with the experts, illustrations of methods for recovery, and information about the health care regimens Brenda personally used to regain mobility, flexibility, good skin and hair, and an optimistic outlook. Brenda\'\'s faith and reliance on God shine throughout.