Bankruptcy Of Our Nation (Revised & Expanded)

by Anchor
SKU: 133072
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First released at the beginning of America\'s economic crisis, Bankruptcy of our Nation has been almost prophetic in its assessment of the explosion of the gold market, the loss of AAA credit rating, foreclosures, \manufactured\ numbers from the government reported by the media, and the fragile foundations of our national and internationally linked economies. Families are scared and more interested than ever in making sure they do all they can to survive whatever this fiscal crisis brings. This step-by-step process is one of that individuals can implement to diversify their savings and investments to help create multiple streams of income. Get solid and easy-to-understand assessments of America\'s financial position now and the pressures of a global economy that loom ahead so that you can make the critical decisions to protect yourself no matter what the uncertain future holds. Take control of your own fiscal future today!