Audiobook-Audio CD-The Light Is Winning (Unabridged) 5 CD)

by Anchor
SKU: 198637
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The trending sentiment of \spiritual but not religious\ suggests religion is going out of style. Yet in his own desert of deconstruction, Zach Hoag couldn\'t shake the desire for a spiritual home. His search led him to a new realm of questions. What if we\'ve gotten religion all wrong? What if the rooted faithful practice of religion is just what we need to revive us?
As Zach dug behind the statistics and into his soul, he discovered an unexpected, unshakeable hope: The downtrend of Christianity in America doesn\'t have to be the end. It can be the first step back toward the flourishing faith God intends for us. After all, isn\'t this the essence of the Christian story: death paves the way for resurrection?

Unabridged audio CD.