Audio CD-The Art Of Celebration

by Anchor
SKU: 119824
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THE ART OF CELEBRATION herald\'s Rend Collective\'s third studio album and follows on the heels of the intimate \live:\ recording Campfire, an album which has remained a top seller on digital charts and the current radio success of Build Your Kingdom Here. Rend Collective has captured the hearts of worshippers with their sense of joy and embracing the committed and those on the fringe. The Art of Celebration displays the maturing of the band as writers, with great melodies that will evolve into the hymns of this generation, like My Lighthouse and More Than Conquerors, through to the more intimate moments of worship from All That I Am, Simplicity, and the co-write with Chris Tomlin on Immeasurably More. Joined by Audrey Assad on vocals, this self produced album - The Art or Celebration captures the essence of celebration from joy to reflection.