9 To 5 Window (Ord #444550)

by Anchor
SKU: 247960
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How Faith Can Transform the Workplace
What happens when Christian believers take the Word of God literally and begin to apply it where they spend 60 to 70 percent of their waking hours? What happens when Christians move in a spiritual dimension in their work lives as few have endeavored to do before now? What happens is that lives, workplaces, cities and nations become transformed by the power of Jesus Christ.

Called the next great movement of God, ministry in the workplace is like a sleeping giant that is starting to take the nation by storm. In The 9 to 5 Window, Os Hillman, one of the leading authorities on faith at work today, introduces you to the new breed of worker who has gone beyond the status quo to become a transformer. Learn the facts on the current movement, how to bring the presence of God into your workplace, how to develop an intercessory prayer team at work, how to transform your workplace, city and nation for Christ, and much more.