100 Tough Questions About God And The Bible

by Anchor
SKU: 441621
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Bestselling Author Gives Honest Answers
to 100 Difficult Questions
Serious questions deserve thoughtful responses, especially when the typical answers are unconvincing or when opinions of Bible experts clash. \100 Tough Questions About God and the Bible\ offers a fast-paced review of how Bible scholars answer the tough questions--drawing from a wide range of evangelical thinkers. It does so with a touch of humor and reports the most popular viewpoints, allowing readers to draw their own conclusions.
Questions include
- Did Adam really live for 930 years?
- If God knows everything, why did he test Abraham by asking him to sacrifice his son?
- How can there be just one God, yet Jesus and the Holy Spirit are God too?
- Why does the Bible enable slave owners?
- If God\'s so wonderful, why does he let us suffer?
- and many more