10 Principles For Studying Your Bible

by Anchor
SKU: 390979
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In 10 Principles for Studying the Bible, readers are taught the ten tried-and-true methods Dr. Charles Stanley uses when he studies the Bible.Some people assume the only way they can understand God\'s Word is by listening in church on Sunday. But this is not true. There is a greater lesson to be learned: God wants to reveal Himself to each one of us in a very personal way. And He usually does this through His Word. God tells us that if we seek Him, we will find Him and when we discover His truth we also will gain clear direction for life (Jeremiah 33:3). Learning how to read and study His Word is essential to spiritual growth. 10 Principles for Studying the Bible teaches readers the ten most essential aspects of a rich, personal encounter with God through His Word. Readers will quickly discover that the Bible is a doorway to life\'s greatest blessings, that it leads straight into the throne room of God where you grow in your knowledge of Him, His ways, and His eternal promises.