Xtremely Wild: Yellow Footed Wallaby

by Cerebellum
SKU: GH4272

Paws down these guys are on the brink. In Australia's amazing ranges, most scientists wrote the yellow footed wallabies off long ago. Dingos, cats, rabbits and more have destroyed their world. Much of the land looks like a moonscape, there is nothing left to eat, and predators like the Dingos have threatened the animal population. With the wallabies in trouble, we are invited into the Australian outback to help with "Operation Bounce Back." Capturing the wallabies is difficult, but dealing with them after they are caught is even more challenging. Join the Xtremely Wild crew as we struggle to save a tiny Joey that gets "chucked" from its mother's pouch you won't believe what we have to do to reunite them and keep them together.